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The Sugar Squad Chronicles: Book 1: Camp Lessons by Dr Bee

by Melissa Ryan on 2024-04-26T14:27:41-04:00 in Courage, disability, elementary, friendship, middle grade | 0 Comments

The Sugar Squad Chronicles: Book 1 ...The Sugar Squad Chronicles: Book 1: Camp Lessons by Dr. Bee

Published: April 10, 2023

Genre: Juvenile Fiction

Audience: Ages 8-14

Setting: Sweetwater Wildnerness Camp

Content Warnings: Type 1 Diabetes, Bullying, Social Issues

Summary (From Amazon): Summer camp was a blast—Grayson and Ava did it all: They climbed rocks, caught fish, and even had cooking battles by the campfire. It was a place where kids like them, who have diabetes, could feel like total champs. And with motorcycle-riding Nurse Sean, groovy Dr. Woodland, and the coolest camp counselors ever, Grayson finally learned what it felt like to fit in--even if only for a little while.

Now, with a new school year kicking off, Grayson's set to shake things up. And when Braden, the school bully, starts trouble, he's ready--Inspired by camp and his new friend Owen's cool tech skills, Grayson is set to show everyone that being different is actually a secret weapon.

Fans of "Wonder" by R.J. Palacio will find a new favorite hero in this first book in the new "Sugar Squad Chronicles" series. And with alternating viewpoints throughout the series, every reader is sure to find a character that speaks just to them. So jump into this newest adventure series, where challenges are just another chance to shine and show the world the power of being you.

Review:  This book is the first book in a trilogy following a student that has type 1 diabetes. This book opens reader’s eyes to the struggles and successes of managing type 1 diabetes and still living a fun life. Grayson the main character goes to camp for children with diabetes and while he's there, he  learns how to manage his diabetes himself and how to appropriately dose insulin for various activities such as eating and exercise. Grayson makes a great friend in a girl named Ava while at camp and they go on many adventures together. Ava and Grayson do not go to the same school or live near each other, but still keep in contact after camDr. Bee profile imagep. After camp, Grayson goes back home and he becomes fast friends with a neighborhood boy. Together, Grayson and his new friend Owen work together to create a presentation to present to their class at school to discuss how to help students with diabetes and bring awareness. Owen has the technology skills and Grayson has his personal experiences to bring to the presentation. They work together and muster up the courage to present because they end up presenting their presentation to a large audience than expected! I loved this book for children and I think it brings a great way for students to relate or connect to a character in a book.

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