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Missing Violet

by Megan Powell on 2024-04-27T20:50:25-04:00 | 0 Comments

Title: Missing Violet 

Author: Kelly Swemba (Author), Fabiana Faiallo (Illustrator)

Published:  January 31, 2023

Genre: Children's Literature/greif 

Summary: (From amazon) - 

"Life is full of sunshine for inseparable friends Violet and Mia. Until one day, Violet leaves school sick and doesn't get better. Without her best friend, Mia slips into a gloomy existence. As she moves through the stages of grief like the colors of a rainbow, Mia wonders if she will ever feel like herself again. When Mia reaches out to her classmates, she remembers what she loved most about Violet.

A sensitive and poignant story about the loss of a friend and experiencing the different stages of grief."

Review: By looking at the cover, I wouldn't think this book was about grief. After reading the back of the book I was able to get a glimpse of what the book was about. The book itself is pretty short and to the point. It is about two girls who are best friends in elementary school and one of the girls, Violet, passes away. The book goes through the ups and downs about grief and different ways to cope. At first, the main character was very upset and let the world know this. After she started talking to the school counselor, she was able to help her see some light. Instead of being mad everyday at school, she tried to spread positivity like her friend Violet did. At one point, she had gotten all of her classmates to write a letter about positive things everyone would say to violet if she were to still be here. She made a box with a rainbow and put all of those positive notes and pictures about Violet in there. That way, when she sees a rainbow it makes her think of Violet. I recommend this book to a family who may be experiencing some grief if a loved one passed away. This book may help with those difficult conversations. There is also a letter to parents at the end of the book on how to talk about grief with your child. I don't think I would recommend this in a classroom library, just because it might bring up conversations that some students may not be ready for and some of those conversations should be had with the parent. Totally a preference though, this is appropriate for the Elementary Level. There are not many books like this, which makes it special and unique. 

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