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The Sunflower House by Adriana Allegri

by Gina Iorio on 2024-05-19T11:34:01-04:00 in 9-10, 11-12, historical fiction, Jewish, sexual assault, Women and girls, WWII | 0 Comments

The Sunflower House by Adriana Allegri 

Published: 2024
Genre: Historical Fiction 
Audience: High School
Trigger Warnings: Rape, Nazis

Summary: One fateful night after losing everyone she loves, Allina is forced into service as a nurse at a state-run baby factory called Hochland Home. There, she becomes both witness and participant to the horrors of Heinrich Himmler’s ruthless eugenics program.

The Sunflower House is a meticulously-researched debut historical novel from Adriana Allegri that uncovers the notorious Lebensborn Program of Nazi Germany. Women of “pure” blood stayed in Lebensborn homes for the sole purpose of perpetuating the Aryan population, giving birth to thousands of babies who were adopted out to “good” Nazi families. Allina must keep her Jewish identity a secret in order to survive, but when she discovers the neglect occurring within the home, she’s determined not only to save herself, but also the children in her care.

A tale of one woman’s determination to resist and survive, The Sunflower House is also a love story. When Allina meets Karl, a high-ranking SS officer with secrets of his own, the two must decide how much they are willing to share with each other―and how much they can stand to risk as they join forces to save as many children as they can. The threads of this poignant and heartrending novel weave a tale of loss and love, friendship and betrayal, and the secrets we bury in order to save ourselves.

Review: I normally stay away from books about World War II because they don’t interest me because they all seem the same, but The SunFlower House was different. I had never heard of the Lesbnsborn Program, and I wanted to learn more. This book takes place in two distinct time periods: the present day and the 1930s. Allina recounts her narrative upon her daughter’s discovery of Nazi artifacts. Allina struggles with secrets and sorrow as she tries to adjust to life in a maternity facility under Nazi control. The narrative was captivating, featuring well-developed characters and excellent pacing.

The book contains graphic depictions of rape. It's entire premise is disturbing, revolving around women partnering with soldiers to produce an Aryan nation. The author demonstrates a thorough understanding of history and navigates the novel's subject with sensitivity.

Mark the date on your calendar! This book will hit the shelves on November 12, 2024. 


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