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Empire State Information Fluency Continuum: Press Release

Transforming Learning with the Reimagined ESIFC

(Empire State Information Fluency Continuum)

Overview of 2019 NYLA-SSL Educational Leadership Institute 

On August 7 and 8, 2019, the School Librarians Section of the New York State Library Association (NYLA-SSL) hosted its annual Carol A. Kearney Educational Leadership Institute.   This year’s institute, Transforming Learning with the Reimagined ESIFC (Empire State Information Fluency Continuum) was held in Syracuse, NY at the Sheraton University. 


Coordinated by NYLA-SSL Ed Leadership Chairs, Lisa Perkowski, and Sara Kelly Johns, the Institute provided a forum for 150 participants to engage in professional development using the reimagined ESIFC to adapt to the changing information, education, and technology environments, as well as the increasing diversity in our student populations. 


The Section of School Librarians of the New York Library Association (SSL) joined with (School Library System Association) SLSA in asking Dr. Barbara Stripling to undertake this work. This document is a result of this effort by Dr. Stripling and the feedback and perspectives of school library system directors and building-level librarians from across the state.

The re-imagined ESIFC has updated focus on:

  • pre-kindergarten

  • multiple literacies

  • digital citizenship and civic responsibility

  • multiple perspectives, 

  • personalization of learning

  • design thinking

  • student voice and agency

  • social and emotional growth


Different sections provide a PK-12 continuum of skills, identification of priority skills for every grade level, and graphic organizer assessments for the priority skills.


Participants earned 10.5 CTLE credit and recognition of service for attending the Institute. The event also included a “Digital Breakout” event that offered interactive reinforcement of the key concepts of the day.


Attendees were from all over NYS.  Each year NYLA-SSL offers scholarships to attend and this year 3 professionals were funded by these scholarships.  Some attendees were sponsored by their BOCES or individual school districts. Many funded and supplemented their own travel, lodging, and attendance.   

The annual Institute included an auction with donations from businesses and vendor partners, regional affiliates, and personal donations.  This year’s auction yielded $2,200. These funds will sponsor multiple leaders for the 2020 Institute. 


Attendees left equipped with resources, training, and practice to be maximize their instructional leadership.  They are also poised to take the lead in their districts and regions as turnkey trainers.  


The governing board of NYLA-SSL met for a full day after the Institute to continue planning for the impactful work they do in areas of policy, legislation, professional learning, and statewide issues.


NYLA-SSL is committed to empowering school librarians to transform teaching and learning.  For more information about the Institute, ESIFC, or NYLA-SSL, ask your school librarian, School Library System Director, or contact Sue Kowalski, AASL Delegate, and we can direct you to the information you need.